$3,000.00 CAD

Womb Awakening Program

Online self-paced self-care program

What you'll get:

  • Immediate access to 4 Modules to help you navigate your womb wellness: M.A.A.P. Health Intake forms (Multidimensional Awareness and Assessment Protocol); Clean Eating and detox support; Feminine Flow; B.O.M. Method- Breast and Ovary Massage)
  • (1) Kickstart Activation Session
  • (2) 1:1 support calls during your detox cleanse
  • Access to the online 12 Month Get Me Going Activation Meditation Program 
  • Access to monthly group call 


Each 4 week phase in this program is released only upon completion of the previous phase to ensure that no one rushes ahead.


The Womb Activation Program is a life-changing coaching program for women doulas, health practitioners, and healers who are ready to fully and intuitively understand their connection to intuition, the female body, its hormonal imbalances, and how to balance them naturally so they can better advocate for themselves and honor their own path to healing.