How To Reflect, Refresh & Renew Your Focus

calendar emotional wound future Nov 05, 2022
How To Reflect, Refresh, Renew Your Focus

Do you ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels?
Sometimes, it seems like it takes everything we have just to get through the daily grind. At the end of the day, we feel mentally and physically exhausted. Often, we are lucky just to get a few hours sleep before we get up and do it all over again. We try to practice gratitude, but it can be hard to be grateful for your life when it doesn’t feel like you’re getting anywhere.

This stuck-in-a-rut feeling can last for days, weeks, months or even years. The events that put you in that place may have been caused by circumstance or the actions of others, but staying there? That’s up to YOU. Think about driving down a muddy road, and getting stuck in a rut. Sure, that rut may have been made by other cars, and it is easier just to drive in the rut that’s already there. However, if you make the effort to turn your car up out of that rut, you are no longer confined to one path. You can go in any direction you choose. Your life works that way, too.

Every decision you make today determines the quality and direction of your future life. A few months ago, or even a few years ago, you made choices based on conscious and subconscious responses to your environment. These choices were made based on your thoughts, feelings, experiences, beliefs and inner programming. And those decisions directed the ripple and sequence of events that brought you to exactly where you are right here, right now, reading this.

So, now that you know your thoughts and feelings are leading you…let’s take a moment to reflect.
• Do you feel in alignment with the life you’re currently living?
• Are there things you want to change?
• Do you feel satisfied with where you are in your life?
• Are you heading in a direction that leads towards your goals and desires?

In my courses, I go in-depth with women to explore and define the direction they want to be headed, and to really help their goals take shape to reflect that. This reflect and renew exercise helps connect you to your own inner compass and refocus your vision to positively and consistently influence your actions as you work towards transforming your life.

It’s important to keep a journal, and work with a friend to hold both of you accountable, if possible, as you design and manifest your highest vision for your life. Take notes throughout the day, checking in with yourself to see how you’re doing. Are your actions today in line with achieving your goals? What should you adjust? Reward yourself for days you’ve done well. This exercise will help you get clear on where you are right now, how you arrived there and how to make empowered decisions as you move forward in life.

The second aspect of this renewal and refocusing is the calendar. It’s important to keep a calendar so you can set goal dates, write down daily affirmations and make sure your goals are very solid and attainable. Visualize yourself achieving your goals through easily achievable daily actions, no matter how big or small.

When you make changes in your life with focus and self-compassion, you can achieve a great deal in a surprisingly short amount of time. It also helps if you clear any debris or damage that might be holding you back, and we all seem to have some of that. That’s why tomorrow I’ll be discussing how you can heal emotional wounds to help yourself move forward. Don’t miss it!


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