How can I Knock The Pain Before It Knocks Me Out

healthy kitchen guide menstrual pain Nov 03, 2022
How can I Knock The Pain Before It Knock Me Out

Don’t wait until the pain knocks you out!

Are you the type of woman who waits until the pain is completely unbearable before seeking help?

You experience exaggerated menstrual cycles, no menstrual cycles, headaches, dizziness, and other reproductive issues, but you wear a brave face and keep pushing, believing there’s something else we need to complete before we can think about ourselves.

You numb yourself to the things your bodies are experiencing and keep trudging on because you’ve been taught to put others ahead of your needs.

Or maybe at some point you or someone you know hides in the bathroom and cries because the pain is so intense. Or you’re sitting there with a throbbing uterus, dealing with excessive bleeding, or maybe your feet are always swollen and you ice them every night to keep the pain down.

Maybe you suppress the feeling by heading to the store for pain medication to quiet down the symptoms you’re living with. Once the relief comes, you’re okay to keep going.

This is not bravery, ladies.

It’s actually detrimental to your health, especially if you’re trying to get pregnant or plan on having a baby in the future.

And here’s why:

The chronic issue is still there, unaddressed, and getting worse. All you’re actually doing is pushing aside that feeling until one day a crisis hits. By this time, your body is in such disarray and the damage is so extensive that you’re knocked out of commission for days or weeks.

How did you get here?

Well, your body has a voice, and you need to start paying attention to what it’s telling you. You need to start becoming aware of the signs it’s sending you. What are you feeling? What are you tasting, smelling, or touching?

It’s time to have those taboo conversations about our bodies that we couldn’t bring up before. Speak to other women in your family and in your sphere of influence. Speak to your caregiver, join platforms where the intricacies of womanhood are ongoing, and listen to understand the nudges your body is sending to you.

It’s time to remove the layers of shame that we have over our bodies and accept all the pieces that make us who we are. It’s time to connect with our bodies—with our wombs, breasts, and hearts.

Aim to take time out for yourself to explore what you’re feeling and how it’s affecting your day-to-day life. Become aware of your curated environment and the habits that trigger or exacerbate your stress levels: cravings, bloating, anxiety, menstrual pain, clots, longer, irregular cycles, etc. It doesn’t matter what medication you’re getting; if you continue in this environment, you won’t heal completely.

Prioritize yourself by organizing your environment. Start with your kitchen, because that’s where you get your nutrition from.


If you’d like, feel free to download my free Healthy Kitchen Guide and get a jump start on your change.

Once you begin there, you can then move on to other areas in your physical space and other aspects of your environment. Start closing the gap by recognizing your needs, establishing your boundaries, setting limits, and taking the time to refuel.


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