How can I Harvest My Feminine Energy

energy source feminine energy inner power light thinking mind Nov 03, 2022
How can I Harvest My Feminine Energy

We are all powerful. Do you feel powerful?
If the answer is no, it isn’t because you’re powerless! It isn’t because you’re weak or lack control. Believing those everyday lies can keep you paralyzed by doubt. So many women feel like they are a product of their circumstances. They let the tides around them take them where they will, forgetting that they can swim. Sometimes, it feels like the best we can do is keep our heads just above water. The truth is, if you don’t feel like you can do anything to change your life, you won’t even try. Every day, you need to start by harnessing your unique feminine energy so that you go into your daily routine feeling your power in every fiber of your being. It will change the way you act, the way you see yourself, and the way you work. It will change the way others see you and treat you, as your inner power will infuse everything you do, from the way you treat others to the way you allow yourself to be treated. Owning your power and harnessing your feminine energy sounds like a huge task, but every journey starts with a single step. That first step that I recommend is actually very simple and easy for anyone to do.

Start each day with a quick exercise designed to ground your breath and help you become more present in your body. This daily exercise will help you to effortlessly harness the power of your innate feminine intuition and inner knowing. It can be done anywhere, at any time, in just about any situation. The best part? The inner shift you will experience from this simple exercise will stay with you throughout the day.

• First, get comfortable. A quiet, private space is best, or anywhere you can sneak off to be undisturbed for a few minutes. Sit in whatever position is most relaxing for you.
• Get grounded. Bring your awareness into your body. Feel your feet planted beneath you and your seat on the chair. Sink into whatever support you are sitting or standing on. Breathe deeply, feeling the life-giving air enter and exit your body.
• Take note of your energy source. You are surrounded by creative, universal life-force energy all day, every day. We often don’t notice it, as our "thinking mind" is occupied with getting us through the day, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Your energy source is always there. Allow yourself to become aware of a brilliant globe of light located just above your forehead. This globe of light represents the pure energy you possess that is connected to and part of divine life force energy.
• Allow that light to flow in through the top of your head and down through your body—down your neck and shoulders, arms, chest, back, etc. As the light flows in, you may wish to notice how it is clearing away any psychic debris along the way.
• Once the light has filled your body, allow it to expand and become stronger and brighter. Allow this light to fully inhabit your body as you breathe deeply and slowly. Feel this light loving you, nourishing you, and filling you with divine healing and wisdom.
• From this place, ask yourself, "What gift is included in my current situation or challenge?" Allow the answer to come to you.
• From this place, set a powerful intention for how YOU will choose to be in relation to the current situation. Do you want to feel love? intend to be loved. Do you wish for peace? intend to be at peace.
• Give thanks to the Divine, to yourself, and to all the teachers in your life who are helping you recognize and claim this gift. Let the light radiate your gratitude.
• When you’re ready, open your eyes and carry this light with you as you move back into your day. Remember, you are always surrounded by this divine life force energy—even in the midst of apparent chaos!

This energy is always available to you when you choose to tune into it, and this practice will help you do that every time. So make the choice to harness the energy that is already yours and use this practice to help you claim your best life every day.


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